Brandon is a fun-loving 8-year-old who loves reading, being outdoors and playing with his friends. At just 5 months of age, Brandon was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, meaning one chamber of his heart was larger than the other three. With the help of the cardiology team at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Brandon’s parents were able to manage his health with medication and regular checkups. For five years this was his routine, until it became evident that medicine alone could no longer help Brandon. He needed a heart transplant. Brandon received his new heart on June 21, 2009, and has been in good health ever since. Thanks to the “gift of life” and his team of doctors at Nationwide Children’s, Brandon is now able to keep up with his friends, enjoying swim classes and playing video games!
I am ecstatic to know Brandon, our "champion" who will be attending the N.A.C.H. Family Advocacy Day ~ July 25-26, 2011. Brandon is our all-star celebrity and because of all he's been through; he's emerged as a "survivor". Brandon, we want to thank you and your parents for representing Nationwide Children's Hospital-Columbus, Ohio. We are very proud to be associated with you.
Best Wishes,
Sandra Porter
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Government Relations
Posted by: Sandra Porter | 07/08/2011 at 03:20 PM
Hi Brandon,
Can't wait to meet you when you come to Washington, DC! You're going to have a great time here!
Justin, National Association of Children's Hospitals
Posted by: Justin Beland | 07/12/2011 at 09:53 PM
It is great to see someone put a name and face to the isssue. Law makers need to see who they will be hurting if they chose to make cuts to vital programs. Your a chanpion in my book!
Posted by: Rebecca | 07/28/2011 at 02:48 PM
Brandon -- you and your parents were All Stars at Family Advocacy Day! Thank you for being there on behalf of all kids health care ... and those who have needed children's hospitals and those who will in the future. Stay in touch,
Posted by: Morna Smith | 08/05/2011 at 06:32 PM